domingo, 2 de outubro de 2016

1998 - Brown & Lomolino - Biogeography

"A reflection of how far the Þeld of biogeography has come in the past two decades can be seen by comparing the first and second editions of the popular text Biogeography. Fifteen years after publication of the first edition by J. H. Brown and A. C. Gibson, the second edition has been entirely rewritten. Although it still emphasizes ecological as opposed to phylogenetic aspects of biogeography, the text has greatly expanded coverage of topics, reflecting new advances in various subdisciplines of biogeography. The text is extremely well illustrated, which greatly facilitates uptake of the presented concepts. For a relatively comprehensive and fascinating review of developments in biogeography, this new text fills the bill well and strikes a realistic balance between vicariance and dispersalist perspectives."

Essas são palavras de James B. Whitfield, da Universidade de Arkansas. Acho que já explica um pouco sobre o livro.

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