segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2022

2010 - Jørgensen & Joss (Eds.) - The Biology of Lungfishes


"Since the last comprehensive monograph on lungfishes appeared in 1987, edited by Bemis, Burggren and Kemp, much new information has appeared concerning this little clade (Nelson 2006). This is the main reason for the present collection of reviews on some of the most important aspects of lungfi sh biology. We believe that the unique position between fi shes and tetrapods will make this book of interest not only to scientists but also to the general reader with an interest in evolution and biology of the vertebrates. 

It is a pleasure to thank the contributors of the chapters for devoting their time to create a treatise like this to share their knowledge with everyone. We are also indebted to the reviewers who committed time and talent to ensure the excellent quality of each contribution." (Jean Joss and Jørgen Mørup Jørgensen)

Apreciem sem moderação.


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