sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2022

2008 - Carson & Schnitzer (Eds.) - Tropical Forest Community Ecology


"It is not hyperbole to say that there has been an explosion of research on tropical forest ecology over the past few decades. The establishment of large forest dynamics plots in tropical forests worldwide, in and of itself, has led to a near revolution in our understanding of forest change. In addition, there has been a substantial increase in the use of models and experiments to test longstanding theories developed to explain the striking patterns found in tropical forests and the putative mechanisms that underlie these patterns. When we started this project, we felt that a comprehensive synthesis of tropical forest community ecology was necessary in order to help the field move forward. Of course, no single volume could do this. Nonetheless, this book is our attempt to make a significant contribution to the field, and to ask anew: What are the main theories in tropical ecology, and which ones are supported or refuted by empirical data? Thus, we have attempted to assemble a volume that describes the most up-to-date findings on the important theories of tropical forest community ecology. We hope that this book accomplishes this goal to the degree possible, while at the same time providing a road map of what we know, what we think we know, and where future research is most needed.

The focus of the chapters in the volume is at the community level because this is where some of the most fundamental questions in tropical ecology exist. Indeed, perhaps the greatest challenge to community ecologist is to explain what processes account for the maintenance of the staggering diversity of plants and animals common in tropical forests around the globe. Still, our emphasis on communities definitely reflects our bias as community ecologists. While we have focused on communities, we certainly recognize the important contributions to tropical ecology that have come from those who study different levels of ecological organization. Indeed, it is difficult to understand communities without understanding the ecology of populations and individuals. We decided to focus on forest communities because, to date, that is where the bulk of research on tropical community ecology has been conducted. We acknowledge that our focus has forced us to omit many important studies. Nonetheless, the emphasis on tropical forest community ecology provides enough material to fill multiple edited volumes, and thus we have attempted to focus on the areas that have received the most empirical attention, along with some topics that are currently nascent, but are rapidly becoming key areas in tropical ecology.

Each chapter in this book was reviewed by at least two relevant experts. We thank these reviewers for their efforts and we are indebted to all of them. We will not list them by name, thus allowing them to remain anonymous. We also thank the production team at Newgen Imaging Systems, and our editors at Blackwell for guiding us through the publication process.

This book, as with all edited volumes, would not have been possible without the dedicated contributions of the authors, each of whom is an expert in his or her respective area of study. For their hard work, truly top-notch contributions, and their patience throughout this process, we owe them a great deal of gratitude. This book is a tribute to their research, along with the research of all of the other scientists whose work is cited in this volume." (Walter P. Carson & Stefan A. Schnitzer)

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quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2022

2006 - Pennington, Lewis & Ratter (Eds.) - Neotropical savannas and dry forests: diversity, biogeography, and conservation

"This book is the result of a plant diversity symposium that formed part of a conference, Tropical savannas  and  seasonally  dry  forests:  ecology,  environment  and  development,  held  at  the  Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh from 14 to 20 September 2003. The conference was attended by 150 delegates from 25 countries worldwide. 

From the outset our intention was to focus on neotropical dry vegetation, where our combined expertise lies, and to address the imbalance between the study of rain forests and seasonally dry ecosystems  by  discussion,  and  then  by  publishing  data  on  seasonally  dry  forests  and  savannas. Invited speakers were thus chosen with the aim of covering these ecosystems across the whole of the Neotropics. However, like many conference proceedings, and despite our best intentions, this book is not comprehensive or even in its coverage and some geographical areas have slipped through the net. We hope, however, that it will serve to stimulate more research and, more importantly, the urgently  needed  conservation  of  the  often  neglected  seasonally  dry  forests  and  savannas  of  the Neotropics. 

We would like to thank: the Systematics Association for their generous sponsorship of the plant diversity symposium; the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Legume Donation Fund for their support of speakers attending the symposium; the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh for provision of the venue and a reception; John-Paul Shirreffs for help with graphic design; and Sadie Watson, the Edinburgh Centre for Tropical Forests and Maureen Warwick for administrative help before and during the meeting. 

We were assisted in the production of this book by 25 reviewers whose expertise and time were greatly appreciated. We would also like to thank Sam Bridgewater, Hélène Citerne, Kim Howell, and Carol Notman for assistance in editing the manuscripts, and all the authors for their contributions." (Toby Pennington, Gwilym Lewis and James Ratter) 

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2009 - Freeman & Herron - Análise evolutiva - 4ª Edição


"Análise evolutiva destina-se aos estudantes universitários de biologia ou ciências afins. Pressupomos que os leitores tenham completado todos ou grande parte dos estudos iniciais e estejam começando a pesquisar mais detalhadamente as áreas específicas da biologia que sejam relevantes à sua vida pessoal e profissional.

Esperamos que nossos leitores sigam sua carreira em uma diversidade de campos, incluindo medicina, educação, manejo e conservação ambientais, jornalismo, biotecnologia e pesquisa acadêmica. Portanto, ao longo deste livro, tentamos mostrar a importância da evolução para toda a biologia e para os problemas do mundo real.

Nosso primeiro objetivo é incentivar os leitores a pensarem como cientistas. Apresentamos a biologia evolutiva não como uma coleção de fatos, mas como um esforço contínuo de pesquisa. Ao investigar um assunto, começamos com perguntas. De onde se origina o HIV? Por que as populações de galinhas das pradarias continuam a diminuir, apesar dos esforços bem-sucedidos para restaurar seu hábitat? Quão próxima é a relação entre os humanos e os chimpanzés? Utilizamos essas questões para motivar as discussões sobre as informações contextuais e a teoria. Esses debates nos habilitam a estruturar hipóteses alternativas, considerar como elas podem ser testadas e fazer predições. A seguir, apresentamos e analisamos os dados, consideramos suas implicações e focalizamos novas perguntas para pesquisas futuras. As habilidades analíticas e técnicas que os leitores aprendem, a partir dessa abordagem, têm aplicação ampla e permanecerão com eles durante muito tempo depois que os detalhes dos exemplos específicos desaparecerem gradualmente.

Em harmonia com nossa apresentação da biologia evolutiva como um empreendimento dinâmico de pesquisa, tentamos manter nossa abrangência a mais atualizada possível. Isso tornou a 4a edição tão estimulante – e tão assustadora – de elaborar quanto as três primeiras. Muitas áreas que abrangemos estão progredindo a uma velocidade que não sonharíamos possível há apenas alguns anos. Mais de uma vez, nossos editores tiveram de praticamente arrancar de nossas mãos os manuscritos dos capítulos, embora ainda quiséssemos fazer mais modificações nos textos." (Jon C. Herron & Scott Freeman)

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quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2022

2014 - Macedo & Machado (Eds.) - Sexual Selection: Perspectives and Models from the Neotropics

"Sexual Selection: Perspectives and Models from the Neotropics presents new sexual selection research based upon neotropical species. As neotropical regions are destroyed at an alarming rate, with an estimated 140 species of rainforest plants and animals going extinct every day, it is important to bring neotropical research to the fore now.

Sexual selection occurs when the male or female of a species is attracted by certain characteristics such as form, color or behavior. When those features lead to a greater probability of successful mating, they become more prominent in the species. Although most theoretical concepts concerning sexual selection and reproductive strategies are based upon North American and European fauna, the Neotropical region encompasses much more biodiversity, with as many as 15,000 plant and animal species in a single acre of rain forest.

This book illustrates concepts in sexual selection through themes ranging from female cryptic choice in insects, sexual conflict in fish, interaction between sexual selection and the immune system, nuptial gifts, visual and acoustic sexual signaling, parental investment, to alternative mating strategies, among others. These approaches distinguish Sexual Selection from current publications in sexual selection, mainly because of the latitudinal and taxonomic focus, so that readers will be introduced to systems mostly unknown outside the tropics, several of which bring into question some well-established patterns for temperate regions."

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segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2022

2009 - Koeppen & Stanton - Berne & Levy Fisiologia - 6ª Edição


"Todos os que usaram este livro, no passado, vão perceber muitas alterações nesta sexta edição; as mais notáveis são o uso de ilustrações multicoloridas e a reorganização de muitas seções. Além disso, damos as boas-vindas a vários autores novos para esta nova edição e, com gratidão, cumprimentamos os Drs. Robert Berne, Saul Genuth, Howard Kutchai, Matthew Levy e William Willis por suas contribuições às edições anteriores. Damos as boas-vindas aos Drs. Kalman Rubinson e Eric Lang (sistema nervoso), ao Dr. Achilles Pappano (sistema cardiovascular), aos Drs. Kim Barrett e  Helen  Raybould  (sistema  gastrointestinal)  e  ao  Dr. Bruce  White  (sistemas  endócrino  e  reprodutivo).  Por fi m, estamos agradecidos ao Dr. James Watras (músculo) e aos Drs. Michelle Cloutier e Roger Thrall (sistema respiratório), por continuarem como membros da equipe para esta sexta edição.

Como  ocorreu  nas  edições  anteriores  deste  livro-texto, tentamos enfatizar os conceitos fundamentais e minimizar a compilação de fatos isolados. Cada capítulo foi alterado para fazer o texto tão lúcido, preciso e atualizado quanto possível. Incluímos informação clínica e molecular em todas as seções. Essa informação é destacada do texto principal e serve para dar o contexto clínico e novos insights para os fenômenos fisiológicos nos níveis celular e molecular. Esperamos que você veja isso como adição valiosa ao livro..."

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segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2022

2014 - McDonald - Handbook of Biological Statistics 3ª Edição


"Welcome to the Third Edition of the Handbook of Biological Statistics! This textbook evolved from a set of notes for my Biological Data Analysis class at the University of Delaware. My main goal in that class is to teach biology students how to choose the appropriate statistical test for a particular experiment, then apply that test and interpret the results. In my class and in this textbook, I spend relatively little time on the mathematical basis of the tests; for most biologists, statistics is just a useful tool, like a microscope, and knowing the detailed mathematical basis of a statistical test is as unimportant to most biologists as knowing which kinds of glass were used to make a microscope lens. Biologists in very statistics-intensive fields, such as ecology, epidemiology, and systematics, may find this handbook to be a bit superficial for their needs, just as a biologist using the latest techniques in 4-D, 3-photon confocal microscopy needs to know more about their microscope than someone who’s just counting the hairs on a fly’s back. But I hope that biologists in many fields will find this to be a useful introduction to statistics.

I have provided a spreadsheet to perform many of the statistical tests. Each comes with sample data already entered; just download the spreadsheet, replace the sample data with your data, and you’ll have your answer. The spreadsheets were written for Excel, but they should also work using the free program Calc, part of the suite of programs. If you’re using, some of the graphs may need re-formatting, and you may need to re-set the number of decimal places for some numbers. Let me know if you have a problem using one of the spreadsheets, and I’ll try to fix it.

I’ve also linked to a web page for each test wherever possible. I found most of these web pages using John Pezzullo’s excellent list of Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages (, which is a good place to look for information about tests that are not discussed in this handbook.

There are instructions for performing each statistical test in SAS, as well. It’s not as easy to use as the spreadsheets or web pages, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of advanced statistics, you’re going to have to learn SAS or a similar program sooner or later." (John H. McDonald)

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2017 - Calado et al. (Eds.) - Marine ornamental species aquaculture


"The global trade of aquatic organisms for home and public aquariums, along with associated equipment and accessories, has become a multi‐billion dollar industry. Although marine species made up less than 10% of the total volume of ornamental trade, the percentage in terms of value is much higher and increasing in recent years. The vast majority of marine species are collected from the Southeastern Asian countries (especially the Philippines and Indonesia) and exported to North America, Japan and Europe, and in more recent years China. For both freshwater and marine aquarium species, fish is the dominant group, although in the last 25 years, the marine aquarium trade has seen a shift in consumer preference from fish‐only aquariums to miniature reef ecosystems, resulting in the trading of many invertebrate species associated with the coral reefs (e.g., anemones, jellyfish, shrimp and other decapods, starfish and urchins, and molluscs). An estimated 27 million marine ornamental fish (Townsend, 2011) from over 1800 species (Rhyne et al., 2012) and hundreds of coral and other invertebrate species are traded. Scuba diving opened up habitats that until then were inaccessible. Color photography made it possible to document the beauty of living animals. Interestingly, photography, the number one hobby, certainly facilitates the aquarium keeping, the second most popular hobby.

Much progress has been made in the breeding and aquaculture of marine ornamental species in the last 10 to 20 years. CORAL Magazine lists the number of captive‐bred marine aquarium fish species, with more than 30 new species over the 2013 list, bringing the total to over 250 species (Sweet, 2014). However, for most of these species, it will be quite some time before they can be supplied to the aquarium trade at reasonable prices through commercial production. In contrast to the traded freshwater fish species, about 90% of which are captive bred, (much) less than 10% of the marine ornamental species traded are from aquaculture. Virtually all of the marine fishes and invertebrates marketed in the aquarium trade industry are collected from coral reef ecosystems. Extensive and destructive collection of these animals, such as use of cyanide and coral breaking and smashing, can directly deplete the target species and indirectly damage delicate coral reef ecosystems that are already under serious threats from global climate change, pollution and other anthropogenic impacts. Aquaculture of marine ornamental species, still in its infancy, is recognized as a viable alternative to wild collection as it can supplement or replace the supply of wild caught specimens and potentially help recover natural populations through restocking. However, there are still many challenges that need to be overcome. Life history and other basic scientific knowledge are unknown for most species. Broodstock management, spawning induction, larval rearing, nutrition, live feed, diseases, systems, and cost are some of the obstacles for commercial production.

Information on aquarium animal keeping, spawning and culture, is widely distributed in trade magazines, journals, newsletters and websites (largely contributed by hobbyists and public aquariums), and increasingly, in scientific publications. Although there are a few reviews and books on aquaculture of specific groups, such as fish (e.g., Moorhead & Zeng, 2010) and shrimp (e.g., Calado, 2008), there has not been a comprehensive overview of marine ornamental aquaculture. The current book fills this critical gap and provides a valuable resource for research and development of marine ornamental aquaculture. The editors have assembled a great panel of international experts to cover a broad field of marine ornamental aquaculture and related topics, including major groups of fish and invertebrates traded in the marine aquarium industry, culture systems, nutrition, diseases, marketing, packing and shipping, and conservation. While the book is not designed as a manual for culturing specific species or groups, it does provide up‐to‐date information and guidance for overcoming the major bottlenecks in developing commercial production for more marine ornamental species."

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2021 - Rezende & Fujimoto (Eds.) - Peixes ornamentais no Brasil Volume 1: Mercado, legislação, sistemas de produção e sanidade


"O aquarismo é um passatempo que cresceu no século 20 e segue em franco crescimento no século atual, especialmente graças à verticalização nas cidades. Uma forte indústria de insumos – rações, aditivos para condicionamento da água de aquários e lagos, aditivos para controle e profilaxia de enfermidades, sistemas de iluminação, filtragem e climatização desses ambientes –, incluindo-se os organismos ornamentais, está consolidada para dar suporte a esse passatempo.

No Brasil, a piscicultura ornamental tem crescido e se tecnificado para suprir a demanda do mercado por animais de melhor qualidade e por novidades. Porém, a produção de peixes ornamentais em cativeiro ainda está aquém do que se observa em outros países produtores e, principalmente, do potencial do País. Além disso, alguns peixes ornamentais nativos que abastecem o mercado de aquarismo internacional são oriundos do extrativismo, que pode comprometer a sustentabilidade da cadeia produtiva.

Esses entraves e demandas tecnológicas foram percebidos na cadeia produtiva pelos pesquisadores e colaboradores que compõem o livro e pela execução do projeto Peixes ornamentais: demandas e desafios de um setor emergente no Brasil, o qual compõe o Portfólio de Projetos em Aquicultura da Embrapa.

O presente livro representa o conhecimento científico e a experiência dos seus colaboradores de múltiplas instituições. Neste volume, o histórico da piscicultura ornamental é apresentado, assim como sua importância para o setor agropecuário."

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quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2022

2021 - National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - Data and Management Strategies for Recreational Fisheries with Annual Catch Limits


"The collection of catch data on marine recreational fisheries is difficult, complex, and different from data collection for commercial fisheries. The complexity of recreational fisheries comes from the vast number of species, fishers, entry locations, fishing seasons, and recreational fishers’ objectives⎯from enjoying a day in nature to catching dinner. 

As the magnitude and relevance of recreational fisheries increase, so does the demand for better data collection systems.  In 2017, the National Marine Fisheries Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), also known as NOAA Fisheries, requested that the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, or “The National Academies,” review the Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP). This national program provides recreational catch data to support the needs of fisheries scientists and managers who are responsible for conducting assessments of fish stocks and establishing fishing regulations to ensure the sustainable management and use of U.S. fisheries resources. The National Academies convened an ad hoc committee that assessed progress in updating marine recreational fisheries data collection through MRIP over the previous decade, and identified potential areas for improvements or modifications to the program that would increase data quality for sustainable fisheries management. That committee released the report Review of the Marine Recreational Information Program, which concluded that the difficulties of estimating recreational catches in an accurate, precise, and timely manner with sufficient spatio-temporal resolution to inform in-season monitoring and management against annual catch limits (ACLs) may result in management problems for recreational and mixed-use fisheries. These difficulties may also lead to an erosion of trust in the management system among recreational fisheries stakeholders. 

While NOAA Fisheries has made improvements to the MRIP program since 2017, questions remain regarding outstanding challenges limiting the extent to which current survey methods in each region meet the needs of the defined in-season management of recreational fisheries with ACLs. In some cases, adherence to ACLs requires short recreational fishing seasons, which complicates data collection, monitoring, and management. This observation is not new, and warrants the consideration of alternate approaches to optimize MRIP data and complementary data for in-season management.  In 2018, the Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Management Act underscored the many differences between commercial and recreational fisheries management, and called for a new National Academies study on how well the MRIP meets the needs of in-season management of fisheries with ACLs as well as how survey methods or management strategies might be modified to better meet those needs. The National Academies convened the Committee on Data and Management Strategies for Recreational Fisheries with Annual Catch Limits in 2020 to conduct this study. This report is a result of that effort. 

This report captures the collective wisdom of some of the nation’s leading experts in survey sampling and recreational fisheries data and management. I want to express my deep appreciation to every member of the committee for his or her attention, thoughtfulness, and hard work, as well as their wonderful collegiality. 

The committee is grateful to NOAA Fisheries for their responsiveness to the many questions and requests for information while developing this report. In particular, we thank the MRIP staff and Gordon Colvin for his guidance throughout the study process. The committee is also grateful to the many individuals who played a role in completing this study. The committee met seven times throughout the course of the study, and would like to extend its thanks to all the individuals from regional councils, NOAA Fisheries, state fisheries agencies, recreational and commercial fisheries organizations, environmental conservation organizations, and others who appeared before the full committee, or provided background information and discussed relevant issues. 

Lastly, the committee extends its sincere appreciation to our superb National Academies’ staff for their valuable support and many contributions to the project. Study Director Stacee Karras, Assistant Study Director Alexandra Skrivanek, and Senior Program Assistant Trent Cummings were instrumental in keeping the project on course and ensuring the timely completion of the report without compromising quality. Working with this team has been a pleasure and a privilege." (Luiz Barbieri, Committee Chair, Committee on Data and Management Strategies for Recreational Fisheries with Annual Catch Limits)

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segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2022

2010 - Jørgensen & Joss (Eds.) - The Biology of Lungfishes


"Since the last comprehensive monograph on lungfishes appeared in 1987, edited by Bemis, Burggren and Kemp, much new information has appeared concerning this little clade (Nelson 2006). This is the main reason for the present collection of reviews on some of the most important aspects of lungfi sh biology. We believe that the unique position between fi shes and tetrapods will make this book of interest not only to scientists but also to the general reader with an interest in evolution and biology of the vertebrates. 

It is a pleasure to thank the contributors of the chapters for devoting their time to create a treatise like this to share their knowledge with everyone. We are also indebted to the reviewers who committed time and talent to ensure the excellent quality of each contribution." (Jean Joss and Jørgen Mørup Jørgensen)

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1961 - Simpson - Principles of Animal Taxonomy

"There are authorities who maintain that one should not think much about taxonomy but just do it. I have been doing it for many years, but like the would-be philosopher who was thwarted by having cheerfulness break in, I have found thought breaking in. In 1941-42 (published in 1945) I put down some of those thoughts in connection with my broadest taxonomic effort, a classification of the Mammalia. That essay was intended to explain and justify the bases of that particular classification, but it also seemed to have some wider interest for taxonomists. Ever since then the divorcing of the essay from the classification of mammals and its separate issue in revised form have been one of those projects to be performed “when I have time.” -

One of the advantages of lecture series—their greatest advantage, I believe—is that they may force the lecturer to take the time to organize his thoughts and to write them down. The flattering invitation to join the roster of jesup Lecturers at Columbia University was accepted, somewhat rashly, in large part because it was a means of forcing myself to take the time for the long-deferred project on the principles of taxonomy. Of course this turned out to involve much more than just dusting off the old essay, revising and expanding it. Indeed the present book, based on the jesup Lectures for 1960, has little to do with the earlier essay aside from the facts that both are on the same subject and that I still agree with much, by no means with all, that I thought fifteen to twenty years ago.

Here I have tried something much more ambitious than in the earlier essay. As far as is permitted by ability and scope, I have here tried to examine the deepest foundations of taxonomy and to build up from those foundations the structures of zoological classification. Further characterization of the subject matter is made at the beginning of Chapter 1, where it is more likely to be read, and the book before you demonstrates for itself what has been made of the subject. I might here add that, although the treatment is not intended to be elementary, I have inserted much that professional taxonomists already know and may, for their purposes, find superfluous. (Various of those passages were omitted from the lectures.) That material is included with the hope that students may here acquire some of the rudiments while also, and perhaps with greater difficulty, learning to think about taxonomy and not just to do it.

Dr. Anne Roe has read the entire manuscript and has helped me to limit, if not altogether to eliminate, failures of communication. She deserves more than the routine acknowledgment often given to wives. Miss Holly Osler has gone beyond the strict call of duty in converting my handwriting into legible manuscript and in assisting with details of bibliography and index. At Columbia University Press, Raymond I. Dixon has edited the manuscript and Miss Nancy Dixon has designed the book. Mrs. Nancy Gahan has converted my roughs into finished illustrations.

I am grateful, perhaps most of all, to the late Alexander Agassiz and to Harvard University. By a conjunction foreseen by neither one, they have given me the freedom to pursue these thoughts to this point." (George Gaylord Simpson)

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sexta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2022

2016 - Fransozo & Negreiros-Fransoso (Eds.) - Zoologia dos Invertebrados 1ª Edição


"Escrita especialmente para graduandos na área das Ciências Biológicas e afins, esta obra busca descrever a diversidade dos animais invertebrados, salientando os pontos mais relevantes da biologia de cada grupo. Além de apresentar um panorama quanto à forma, à função e às adaptações que possibilitam a vida desses organismos nos ambientes em que vivem, Zoologia dos Invertebrados aponta, para a maioria dos grupos estudados, a perspectiva de relação de parentesco destes com outros organismos.

Apesar dos muitos recursos humanos nas universidades brasileiras – que contam com pesquisadores e professores especialistas nos grupos animais – e da diversidade de espécies de que o território nacional dispõe, nosso país ainda carece de bibliografias acadêmicas que tenham como principal objeto de estudo a fauna nativa. Levando­-se em consideração esse quadro, a organização desta obra visou suprir uma preocupante lacuna e oferecer ao leitor um material especialmente voltado para a análise dos organismos nativos, uma vez que a maioria dos livros aqui disponíveis são traduções de autores norte­americanos ou europeus, os quais têm como foco organismos originários desses continentes.

Zoologia dos Invertebrados não tem por objetivo substituir os excelentes livros­ textos traduzidos, mas, sim, complementar obras clássicas sobre o assunto, por meio de um conteúdo rico em exemplos típicos da fauna brasileira para cada grupo.

O trabalho de organização foi longo e árduo, devido ao grande número de autores de diversas partes do país e à necessidade de se abordarem as peculiaridades de cada grupo animal, sobretudo as classificações deles em uma época de constantes alterações no que diz respeito à biologia molecular. Por essa razão – e, também, por querermos respeitar a opinião de cada autor-­colaborador –, o leitor poderá deparar-se com classificações distintas.

Além dos temas pertinentes à área e aqui abordados, todos igualmente importantes, esta obra lança mão de um grande diferencial: a existência de capítulos pouco comuns em outros livros sobre Zoologia –a saber: 37, Sistemas de Manutenção de Organismos Aquáticos; 38, Toxinologia de Invertebrados Perigosos no Trabalho de Campo; 39, Introdução de Espécies Exóticas e suas Implicações; e 40, Ciência e História |Reminiscências da Pesquisa e do Ensino dos Invertebrados no Brasil –, os quais alertam os estudantes sobre tais aspectos e estimulam a investigação zoológica nessas áreas.

A editora não poupou esforços para adaptar em uma mesma publicação todos os manuscritos, com diferentes estilos, nem para contatar vários autores ao longo de mais de três anos de preparação e padronizar desenhos e figuras publicados na obra.

Agradecemos a todos os autores­-colaboradores a disponibilidade, a atenção, o cuidado e a competência em elaborar cada um dos 40 capítulos e as respectivas seções. Somos especialmente gratos àqueles que, embora não fossem especialistas no grupo, empenharam-­se em estudar profundamente o assunto e elaborar os capítulos sob sua responsabilidade." (Adilson Fransozo & Maria Lucia Negreiros-­Fransozo)

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sexta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2022

2002 - Auricchio & Salomão (Eds.) - Técnicas de Coleta e Preparação de Vertebrados


Este livro pretende preencher a lacuna existente na área técnico científica do Brasil e ser um referencial na preparação e manutenção de material biológico de Vertebrados. Foi elaborado para servir como referência a uma vasta gama de interessados: pesquisadores, professores de ensino médio e estudantes, abrangendo técnicas para preparação de espécimes para escolas e para estudos científicos, inclusão em parafina, diafanização, técnicas para análise de DNA, curtimento e outras.

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